Re: NetworkManager and default route

Right Click NM icon, Edit Connections. Select the Connection that you want to use locally, in my case I always use the Wired interface for local connections only and Wireless for internet.

So, I would edit my Wired Connection -- select the IPV4 settings, and then click the Routes button. Check the "Use this connection only for resources on its network".

Reassociate your internet enabled connection... works for me every time, this is with NM 0.7.1. I forgot when they added this feature exactly.


On 08/23/2009 02:12 PM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
I have a problem with default route handling by NetworkManager.  I have 
searched this mailing list as well as bugzilla and, while there are claims 
that the problem is fixed, I still have problems on Fedora 11 with current 
maintenance as of "today".

Anyway, the problem persists on F11 and it is not just VPN stuff.

If you have only a single NIC, then there is only one possible default route
and everything works.

If you have a system (such as a laptop) with both a wired and a wireless NIC,
then everything works because only one will be active at any point in time (as
controlled by NetworkManager).

However, if you have two or more NICs (real or pseudo), then things get 
screwed up and the last interface enabled will set the default route.

In my case, I have a qemu-kvm guest with two NICs.  The first NIC (eth0) can
either be a bridged connection (on br0) or a NATed connection (on virbr0) the
default route needs to point to this interface.  The second NIC (eth1) is
connected to a private ("host-only") network on virbr2..

I have tried setting both GATEWAY=<ip_addr> and GATEWAYDEV=<device> and 
neither has any effect.

Give that there are bugzilla reports which claim to have fixed this problem, 
what am I missing? ... How do I get default routing to work?

My current work-around is to not run NetworkManager.

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