Re: Network Manager does not find system wide connections

On Sat, 08 Aug 2009 21:29:07 +0200
Hadmut Danisch <hadmut danisch de> wrote:

> Or in other words: Network Manager is too much like Windows and too
> little like Unix.

It's also not compulsory to use it, so if it gives you so much trouble
you can always turn it off and operate your network connections as you
want. Maybe there is something fundamentally different about networking
in Debian-based distros compared with Fedora, personally I've never
used a Debian-based distro so I may be missing the point. On Fedora you
simply tell the OS which interfaces you want NM to control and which
you don't and it just sorts it out.

I can only say that before NM existed my laptop was a pain to configure
in the three or four places and environments where I need to use it.
Once I started using NM it changes the networking setup without
needing any more input from me than to configure the keys.

I consider that a major benefit.

Now I'll grant that I don't have a fantastically complex networking
environment to worry about. If I did, I'd probably need to do something

NM is great for dealing with changes between a few different network
environments, if you're trying to do something that is difficult to
describe in simple terms then it probably hasn't yet reached the state
of development necessary to meet your needs. I suspect that will happen
before 1.0 is released.


Brian Morrison

                "I am not young enough to know everything"
                                                          Oscar Wilde

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