Re: [PATCH] Call cull_scan_list even if there is no access point reported.

On Mon, 2009-04-27 at 14:13 -0300, Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri wrote:
> The attached patch can help with aging of results when moving into to a place 
> with no access points (yeah, we can still find some).

Thanks for finding this, though I've committed a different fix that
should work the same, but is clearer and more maintainable.

0433a2b78a09367c0270e68bcd46d0a349dccc3a (0.7.x)
7082150fb14457dd2edd7b4f35cfe3f57bf6bf4c (master)

> PS: although cull_scan_list() is called not that often and ap_list is not that 
> big, we could do a better code there. First  g_slist_append() is O(n) and we 
> really don't care about order, so g_slist_prepend() should be used (also true 
> in other parts of NetworkManager as well). Also, removing from the list as we 
> walk it is not that hard, just update elt = elt->next before doing any real 
> work. I can provide patches if you like the idea.

Sure!  That would be great.


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