Re: Web-based Network Login

On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 5:13 PM, Slokunshialgo <slokun belligero org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been looking into making an addition to NetworkManager to
> automatically authenticate to networks with a web-based login process.
> For example, you go to a cafe and they have a paid hotspot, you would
> connect to the wifi, open a browser, and enter a username & password.
> The idea is to automatically do then when connecting to the network.
> The basic idea thus far is to use d-bus to connect NM to a Firefox
> extension (starting it if need be) and pass a saved username and
> password.  This extension would then use different things in Firefox to
> login to the page, passing back success or failure.
> Does anybody have any suggestions, or any problems with the proposed
> idea?

Yes, you are crossing the layers in a horrible way. It's like making
kernel launch F-Spot when a camera is connected.

I think the proper way to do this would be for some user session tool
to listen for the connected signal emitted by NM.

Patryk Zawadzki

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