Re: Static and dynamic wired interface

On September 10, 2008 06:23:12 am Dan Williams wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 12:01 +0300, Kristian Slavov wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is NM capable of handling the following scenario?
> > A laptop, when located at office, has a static address. Once outside,
> > DHCP is used to get an address.
> NM 0.7 is, but since you're mixing the two there will be some manual
> operation on your side since there's not a good generic way to
> autodetect what network you're on when you plug in the cable.
> You'll create two wired connections in the connection editor.  One is a
> DHCP connection with 'autoconnect=true', and the second is the static
> connection with 'autoconnect=false'.  Manual intervention will be
> required when you want to use the static connection at the office.
> What should happen is this:
> 1) When you're outside the office, the DHCP connection will
> automatically be used because it's 'autoconnect=true'.  If there isn't a
> DHCP server present, NM will fail the connection and wait for you to do
> something, or for a link change event.
> 2) At the office, NM would try DHCP first and then fail the connection
> after the DHCP timeout because of course there's no DHCP server.  At any
> point here you then choose the static connection from the applet menu,
> and NM will activate the static connection at your command.
> People have tossed around ideas like ARPing a known gateway's IP address
> and matching the ARP response to a known MAC address and then activating
> that connection, but that's pretty fragile and trivial to maliciously
> spoof.
> Dan
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This way of doing things seems like a kluge. Why can't network-manager just 
work with scpm which already does all of this, including nfs networks?

Robert Smits CEP525G

Nanaimo, Duncan & District Labour Council
Box 822 Nanaimo, V9R 5N2 Ph 250-753-0201
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