Re: newbie question about NAT and bridging.

Anyone should feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about any of the

David Moffatt wrote:
> Is there a good FAQ?  I need to find out about how to make bridging
> and/or NAT work with NM.
> Specifically I want to find out
> 1) Is there an easy way to figure out what the current interface is?
The dbus interface allows you to query which interfaces are active.
> 2) Are there any scripts run when an interface is brought up or down
> that I could use to change my NAT routing?
NetworkManagerDispatcher calls each of the scripts in
/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ directory whenever an interface goes
up or down. I believe these scripts are called with the name of the
changing interface as an argument.
> 3) Does anyone know why the interface goes to lala land when it is
> controlled by NM and you attach and remove a software bridge from it?
What in particular happens?
> 4) Are there any other hidden gotcha with NAT and NM?
> Thanks for your time,
> David Moffatt.
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