Re: NM 0.7 Ignores ppp configuration

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 08:55:07AM +0000, Tim Hawkins wrote:
> Im using NM 0.7 in ubuntu 8.10 with all the latest patches, recently I
> have noticed that my mobile ISP (3uk) will often send bogus DNS settings
> to totaly fictitious DNS servers on about 30% of connects, so I decided
> to change the ppp settings on the USB modem configuration to DHCP
> address only and set the DNS entries manualy to point at OpenDNS.orgs
> servers. 
> However it appears that regardless of what ever settings i place there,
> NM uses the DNS aquired by DHCP (i can see it doing it by
> tailing /etc/resolv.conf) 
> Any ideas?... 

Yes, I think I saw this too. Most likely PPP ignores the ip4config of
the connection and always sets what it gets. Will look into this later

 - Alexander

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