Re: laptop - ethernet up on login in KDE network manager

On Wed, 2008-10-22 at 00:05 +0600, K M Nur wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a strange problem, everytime I log on to kde desltop, my
> nm-applet tries to connect and eventually tells me it is connected
> through eth0 however I cant browse. Every time I want to use my
> ethernet card I need to login as root and go to system-config-network
> to reactivate my ethernet card to get browsing going. This is
> annoying. How do I enable my ethernet card get connected whenever I
> plugin the rj45 jack. Please help!

Do you use static IP or DHCP for your wired connection?  Do the settings
in system-config-network match what's shown in the connection editor for
your connection?


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