Cannot start NetworkManager

Hello all!

I am trying to set up my wireless to work with NetworkManager but I cannot even get the background daemon to start up.  I am not really sure what's causing the issue.  Here is the error message that I got trying to start the daemon manually:

localhost [8161] <1> % sudo NetworkManager --no-daemon     
NetworkManager: <info>  starting...
NetworkManager: <info>  Found radio killswitch /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/ipw_wlan_switch
NetworkManager: <info>  eth0: driver is '8139too'.
NetworkManager: <info>  Found new Ethernet device 'eth0'.
NetworkManager: <info>  (eth0): exported as /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_11_d8_c9_0b_89
NetworkManager: <info>  eth1: driver is 'ipw2200'.
NetworkManager: <info>  eth1: driver supports SSID scans (scan_capa 0x21).
NetworkManager: <info>  Found new 802.11 WiFi device 'eth1'.
NetworkManager: <info>  (eth1): exported as /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_12_f0_21_e6_85
NetworkManager: symbol lookup error: NetworkManager: undefined symbol: nm_connection_new_from_hash

I am using Kubuntu 8.10.

Any tips at all would be much appreciated.  Thanks!


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