Is this the way NM should work?

I have a laptop with both a working wireless interface and a working ethernet 
wired interface.  Normally, I run wireless.  

On Fedora 9, if I plug into the wired interface, it is brought up also so I 
now have both the wired and wireless interfaces enabled.  Fortunately, both 
interfaces are on the same (sub) network so routine does not get screwed up.  

This does not happen on Fedora 8.  On Fedora 8, when I plug in the wired 
interface, the wireless interface is disabled and the wired interface is 
enabled.  Conversely, when I unplug the wired interface, it is disabled and 
the wireless interface is enabled.

The way things work under Fedora 8 is how I expect things to work.  However, 
there may be good reasons for how things work in Fedora 9.

A related "is this how it should work" problem is plugging in a new network 
interface.  When the system comes up with the "new" interface, NM enables the 
(wired) interface.  This is NOT what I expected.  However, the only way I see 
around this right now is:

- either before shutting down to install the new interface or after doing a 
single user boot, make sure to have a ifcfg-ethX file with at least 
NM_CONTROLLED=no specified.

Is this how things should work?  Granted, most users adding NICs will 
understand what is happening and take the appropriate action ... but still, 
is this the way things should work?


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