[no subject]

       Please  be aware that only the dhcp-client-identifier option and the hard-
       ware address can be used to match a host declaration.   For example, it is
       not  possible to match a host declaration to a host-name option.   This is
       because the host-name option cannot be guaranteed to  be  unique  for  any
       given client, whereas both the hardware address and dhcp-client-identifier
       option are at least theoretically guaranteed  to  be  unique  to  a  given

I suppose if I had a working DDNS update setup 'send host-name' would be useful.
   But what I do is have them send a dhcp-client-identifier to look up the fixed
ip in dhcpd.conf.  I can also have the dual-boot Windows and OS X machines send
the identifier.  I also like it if they get the same IP for wired and wireless
connections if they both happen to come up.  Makes switching from one to the
other easier.  

- Orion

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