Re: NetworkManager should report killswitch state per device

On Sat, 2008-04-26 at 11:10 +0200, Eric Brunet lps ens fr wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 01:24:33PM -0400, Dan Williams wrote:
> > Expected behavior.  If you don't want to kill any wireless, don't flip
> > the switch.  I don't see real use-cases where you'd want to rfkill one
> > card but not others;
> Here's a real use-case: on my wife's laptop, the integrated wifi is
> misfunctionning. (It sees network but can only intermitently connect to
> them. It just happened one day, I am sure it is an hardware problem on
> this four year old computer.) We bought an USB dongle to have a reliable
> wifi. It would be nice to stop the integrated card in order to save
> battery time.

As Larry pointed out, you could blacklist the kernel module for the
device.  Alternatively, you could unmanage the device from
NetworkManager as well.


> That was a real case, I can imagine other cases where the integrated
> device doesn't have the good protocols (maybe it doesn't do g or n wifi
> networks), doesn't have the correct range, doesn't have the correct MAC
> address to be accepted by the router, and where one would like to use an
> external wifi card without the first one sucking power.
> Well, anyway, it sure is'nt a priority...
> >                       the people that want to do this can un-manage the
> > device, and set SIOCSIWTXPOW to off if they care that much about killing
> > individual devices.
> > 
> No, she would run away screaming if you suggested that to her.
> Éric Brunet
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