Re: modifying resolv.conf with NetworkManager while connecting to openVPN

Check to see if you have resolvconf installed. If you do, it is probably 
preventing the behavior you want. Try removing it and NetworkManager should 
do this for you instead. 

Just as a warning, I'm not sure what resolvconf was providing that I don't 
get now -- on my system, it seems like nothing. YMMV.

...... Original Message .......
On Sun, 06 Apr 2008 18:31:54 +0200 "Edke" <edke kraken gmail com> wrote:
>Hello guys.
>I have NetworkManager set up on my openSuSE 10.3 with DHCP behind my
>aDSL router. I'm connecting to office network via openVPN and I need
>to use our office DNS server while connected with openVPN.
>I'm just wondering, if it's possible to create some scripts for
>NetworkManager, that would modify my resolv.conf on openVPN connect
>and change my DNS settings and after disconnecting to revert my
>settings to previous configuration.
>Thanks for any info.
>s pozdravom do zatvy Edke
>G-mail: edke kraken gmail com
>ICQ: 47405942
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