re: More on nm-OpenSwan

On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 16:22 -0500, steve wrote:
> I'm trying to implement the ipsec connection startup command
> I'm using the function g_spawn_async_with_pipes to call the ipsec binary 
> with the appropriate args.
> The process will terminate when successful.
> I want to pipe the output of the process (stdout) to a Status window 
> (pop-up widget??) in real-time.

For debugging?  Otherwise it's better to send meaningful error messages
along with the failure signals that the VPN daemon sends to NM.

> I'm thinking I need to use a GIOChannel to capture the output this way. 
> Can anyone clarify?
> example:
> <code>
> GFILE *output = g_fopen("//dev//stdout", "r");
> GIOChannel *connOutput = NULL;
> gchar * stdout_buffer;
> connOutput = g_io_channel_unix_new(&output);
> while (g_io_channel_read_line(&connOutput, &stdout_buffer, NULL, NULL, 
> &error) != (G_IO_STATUS_EOF || G_IO_STATUS_ERROR))
> {
>     nm_status_update("%s", &stdout_buffer); //pseudo function for now
>     if (stdout_buffer == "\n\n")
>     {
>           g_io_channel_close(&connOutput);
>           g_fclose(&output);
>           g_free(&stdout_buffer);
>           return 0:
>   }
> }
> .....
> </code>
> Does that make any sense or am I going about this the wrong way?

I think what you actually want to do is to spawn your process and
specify your own file descriptors for stdout and stderr.  See
supplicant_exec() in src/nm-device-802-11-wireless.c of the


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