Re: [OT] Is there a how-to on importing a CISCO certificate file to VPNC?

On Wed, 2007-06-13 at 03:14 +0530, Rogue wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to remove my current dependency of Cisco VPN client by 
> switching to VPNC. Unfortunately I am not able to locate any useful 
> documentation on the web :-(  .. Has anyone on this list succeeded in 
> doing this?
> I see that there are certificates and a shared key to be used, but not 
> sure how to go about with it.

NetworkManager-vpnc should have an importer for .pcf files, which
contain the VPM definition. This page will allow you to decode the
shared password, then you only need your username and password.


Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net> 

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