Just checking status on implementation on pptp vpn support
( yes yes security i know but it's the least hazzle in a mixed os environments for all of us users/admins )
I noticed that the pptpclient  didn't add the so much need it firewall 
opening port 1723, and protocols 47 and 48 It would be nice feature if 
NetworkManager did it automatically.
Best Regards
    Johann B.

Jóhann B. Guðmundsson. RHCE,CCSA
Unix Kerfistjóri.
Reiknistofnun Háskóla Íslands.
Tæknigarði, Dunhaga 5.			Rafpóstur:	johannbg hi is
107 Reykjavík.				     Sími:	525-4267
Ísland.					Bréfasími:	552-8801

Johann B. Gudmundsson. RHCE,CCSA
Unix System Engineer.
IT Management.
Reiknistofnun University of Iceland.
Taeknigardi, Dunhaga 5.			Email:		johannbg hi is
IS-107 Reykjavik.			Phone:		+354-525-4267
Iceland. Fax: +354-552-8801

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