Re: Problems with nm-applet

On Fri, 2007-12-14 at 14:07 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-12-14 at 15:15 -0300, Guilherme Carvalho wrote:
> > Hello, i´m having problem with NetworkManager, in another Distribution
> > of Linux everything works ok, but on Gentoo, i´m having problems, the
> > applet don´t run, or the icon don´t show on tray, but with ps -aux i
> > saw that np-applet --sm-disable is running, and in the sessions of
> > Gnome, the Network Manager Applet is there, to startup automatically,
> > what could be?? How can i fix this? 
> The first thing to check is if you have the Notification Area applet
> started.  The nm-applet embeds itself in the notification area, so you
> need to have that first.

Also (I apologize if this is too obvious), make sure NetworkManager is
running. nm-applet is just the GUI side of things, the NetworkManager
daemon needs to be running before nm-applet will show up (or be of any


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