Re: Some comments/questions about 0.7 [was: status of 0.7]

Hey all,

If anyone's interested, I've created opensuse build project for
NetworkManager-0.7 branch. I've been trying to keep it updated almost
daily. The URL for packages is but
it's only for opensuse 10.3 right now. Shouldn't be too hard to add
support for other recent distros as well. It does not work out of box
because we need changes to files from core distro packages so here are
the instructions on how to use these packages:

* Install all packages (wpa_supplicant is needed because the default
suse package for it does not enable dbus support).
* Run '/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -u' as root.
* Edit /etc/dhclient.conf and comment out line 'script
* Stop network '/etc/init.d/network stop'.
* Run '/usr/sbin/NetworkManager' as root.
* Restart the applet 'killall nm-applet; nm-applet &'  as regular user.


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