Re: switching between (wired) network profiles

On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 18:23 +0200, Sandro Bordacchini wrote:
> Hi all.
> Sorry for (imho) this stupid question.... but i have looked around for
> answers and didn't found them :-)
> Is there a way to switch between several (wired) network profiles, i.e
> reconfigure on-the-fly the wired interface with presets ("office",
> "home", ...) for IP, DNS, NM, GW ecc.?

That's not possible at this time, and is targetted for the next "major"
release, 0.7.


> I'm using KNetworkManager with Suse10.2 in a KDE environnment.
> It's great for switching between wireless APs but it's seems to me
> there is no support to "layer 3" settings in wired LANs.
> Thanks a lot.

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