I am using ubuntu dapper. On a fresh install I used network manager for a while, but since it didn't have a static IP, I went back to a home-cooked solution using whereami, ifplugd, etc. Now I wanted to go back to the network manager, and now it doesn't work any more... I just use a normal package, nothing fancy, no wpa, nothing just eth0 and ath0. Asked for help on ubuntu forums and no luck. Specifically, my problem is as follows:
Below is what happens when I plug in the cable (i.e. not a wireless problem and not a hardware problem, the same thing happens with ath0).
At the point where I added "**** WORKING" to the log, the eth0 network
is up and running, I can connect to various sites, etc. Looks like system configured succesfully via DHCP. However,
network manager still thinks it is down, the dots keep rotating in the
applet, and after a while it times out and then it sets eth0 to some
stupid default IP at which point I (of course) loose connectivity.
Any ideas for debugging? I am really desperate...
root proust:/home/anze# NetworkManager --no-daemon
NetworkManager: <information> starting...
NetworkManager: <WARNING> main (): nm_data_new: Setting up dbus filter
NetworkManager: <information> eth0: Device is fully-supported using driver 'e1000'.
NetworkManager: <information> nm_device_init(): waiting for device's worker thread to start
NetworkManager: <information> nm_device_init(): device's worker thread started, continuing.
NetworkManager: <information> Now managing wired Ethernet (802.3) device 'eth0'.
NetworkManager: <information> ath0: Device is fully-supported using driver 'ath_pci'.
NetworkManager: <information> nm_device_init(): waiting for device's worker thread to start
NetworkManager: <information> nm_device_init(): device's worker thread started, continuing.
NetworkManager: <information> Now managing wireless (802.11) device 'ath0'.
NetworkManager: <information> Updating allowed wireless network lists.
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <WARNING> nm_dbus_get_networks_cb ():
nm-dbus-nmi.c:522 (nm_dbus_get_networks_cb): error received:
org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo.NoNetworks - There are no wireless
networks stored..
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> Will activate wired connection 'eth0' because it now has a link.
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> SWITCH: no current connection, found better connection 'eth0'.
NetworkManager: <information> Will activate connection 'eth0'.
NetworkManager: <information> Device eth0 activation scheduled...
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) started...
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful.
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Beginning DHCP transaction.
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
NetworkManager: <information> DHCP daemon state is now 12 (successfully started) for interface eth0
NetworkManager: <information> Old device 'eth0' activating, won't change.
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> Old device 'eth0' activating, won't change.
NetworkManager: <information> Device 'eth0' DHCP transaction took too long (>45s), stopping it.
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP Configure Timeout) scheduled...
NetworkManager: <information> DHCP daemon state is now 14 (normal exit) for interface eth0
NetworkManager: <information> DHCP daemon state is now 14 (normal exit) for interface eth0
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP Configure Timeout) started...
NetworkManager: <information> No DHCP reply received. Automatically obtaining IP via Zeroconf.
NetworkManager: <information> autoip: Sending probe #0 for IP address
NetworkManager: <information> autoip: Waiting for reply...
NetworkManager: <information> autoip: Sending probe #1 for IP address
NetworkManager: <information> autoip: Waiting for reply...
NetworkManager: <information> Old device 'eth0' activating, won't change.
NetworkManager: <information> autoip: Sending probe #2 for IP address
NetworkManager: <information> autoip: Waiting for reply...
NetworkManager: <information> autoip: Sending announce #0 for IP address
NetworkManager: <information> autoip: Waiting for reply...
NetworkManager: <information> autoip: Sending announce #1 for IP address
NetworkManager: <information> autoip: Waiting for reply...
NetworkManager: <information> autoip: Sending announce #2 for IP address
NetworkManager: <information> autoip: Waiting for reply...
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) scheduled...
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 4 of 5 (IP Configure Timeout) complete.
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) started...
NetworkManager: <information> DHCP returned name servers but system has disabled dynamic modification!
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Finish handler scheduled.
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) successful, device activated.
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> match
NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) complete.
************************* NOT WORKING
-- "... somebody would have remembered that rock beats scissors,