Invalidate keyring entry on assoc. failure?

Hi all,

Due to other device incompatibilities, I switched my AP from WPA2 to WPA1. I
found my laptop unable to associate with NM. Here's what I was getting in
the logs:

Oct 30 02:42:04 stanley NetworkManager: <information>^Iwpa_supplicant(25872): 1: 00:12:17:d7:8d:83 ssid='nihao' wpa_ie_len=30 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11
Oct 30 02:42:04 stanley NetworkManager: <information>^Iwpa_supplicant(25872): skip - no WPA/RSN proto match 

However, once I deleted the associated entry in the keyring, NM asked for a
new password, stored it, happily associated, and all the angels came out
from behind their clouds and played "God Gave Rock and Roll To You", which
was mildly disappointing, but at least my network was working.

With less understanding about how the blocks click together, I wouldn't have
been able to fix this. Is there some way that NM can equate this situation
to an incorrect password and invalidate the keyring entry (does that case
work already)?

Thanks dudes,

- Jeff

PS. NetworkManager interoperability was one of the major purchasing decision
points when I bought my latest laptop. It's so luxurious to have it back in
my life. Thank you! ;-)

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia 
     "Love's such an old fashioned word." - Queen & David Bowie, Under

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