Re: NM starts wpa_supplicant -dd although wpa_supplicant is already started??

I /think/ that NM supports PEAP with mschapv2, can you post an output
from the logs when you connect (editing out the confidential
Here is information on running NM in debug mode:

On 10/11/06, Ma Begaj <derliebegott gmail com> wrote:
As I can see on the list , this is an old "problem"... I disabled my
wpa_supplicant to avoid conflicts.

But this makes NetworkManager unusefull. I am not able to connect to
any of of my WPA2 APs at work.

how should I enter these options:


I tried with WPA2 Enterprise, but nothing happens ... It connected
only once with success. It is just connecting forever ... and asks my
for a password every 20 seconds ... and finally it connects to an
another access point without encryption. and I didn't want that.

And if I try not to use wpa_supplicant.conf any more and use only
NetworkManager, how can I edit some saved connections? How can I
change username or some other saved data?

Any ideas ... I am really trying hard to use NetworkManager, but this
is frustrating.



2006/10/11, Ma Begaj <derliebegott gmail com>:
> Hi,
> I am having a problem that NM starts wpa_supplicant on its own and
> ignores the fact that I have already started it. And than I have two
> wpa_supplicants running and the 1st one is being ignored.
> I start it wpa_supplicant with
> --w -B -ieth0 -Dwext -c/etc/wpa_supplicant
> and NM starts it with
> -dd -g /var/run/wpa_supplicant-global
> Can I somehow disable this? Or can I change start parameter for
> wpa_supplicant in NM?
> And how can I tell NM not to write its output in syslog? I can start
> it with "--no-daemon >/dev/ull 2>&1 &", but that's not a nice
> solution.
> Thanks a lot.
> M.
> --
> Glauben heißt nicht wissen wollen, was wahr ist ... Nietzsche

Glauben heißt nicht wissen wollen, was wahr ist ... Nietzsche
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