Re: NetworkManager with hidden ESSID

Hi again,

I wanted to check both at home and at work before answering the questions.

I have a problem with NetworkManager at work, where the APs don't broadcast their ESSID. At home, where I don't hide the ESSID, there is no problem.

Actually, I was wrong, also my AP at home hides its ESSID ....

Does the AP show up in the scan list if you do a manual "iwlist ethX
scan" as root?

It does show up at home (with hidden ESSID as mentioned above).
It does *NOT* show up at work. Only after I configured the network entering the ESSID and the WEP key manually, the AP shows up in the iwlist scan.

So there is a clear difference between the two locations

So, here it goes: I'm running NetworkManager on a Dell D600 and really like it, especially the dispatcher feature. However, when I'm at work, the internal wireless network does not show up in the list that the nm-applet provides. I can connect to it without problem using the 'Connect to other wireless networks' option. Then it shows in the list. However, next time I reboot the machine and look into the applet, the internal network is gone again from the list. It's a WEP encrypted network, if that makes any difference.

in ~/.gconf/system/networking/wireless/networks I find a configuration for the network, but it never shows up. It kind of defeats the purpose of NetworkManager, if you need to configure the same network all the time again.

Does the AP's bssid (looks like a MAC address) show up in the "bssids"
key in the saved settings for that wireless network?  NM caches the
BSSID of base stations it's connected to for each wireless network, and
then reverse-matches those to the BSSIDs it finds in the scan list, and
that's how it finds hidden SSID access points.  We need to figure out
which part here is breaking down.

Yes, the bssid is stored in the settings. In fact, since I saw from the iwlist scan results, that there are apparently 2 APs for the same network, I added the second bssid to the settings manually using gconf-editor. But again, after a reboot of the machine, the internal network was not available in the network list.



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