Re: Strange behaviour from 0.5.1 and 2006-02-21 cvs

Ian Campbell wrote:
>> So how are you doing DHCP then?
>> NM requests information from dhcdbd, and dhcdbd gets its information
>> from the dhclient script.  But the dhclient script only gets notified to
>> push the information back to dhcdbd if you have a -x aware dhclient.
>> So, you will need:
>> 1) dhcdbd
>> 2) dhclient with -x
>> 3) a dhclient script with correct magic to push options back to dhcdbd
> I build dhcdbd with -DDHCLIENT_EXTENDED_OPTION_ENVIRONMENT=0, so it doesn't
> try to use -x, which I assume will only cause problems like that issue with
> ubuntu I was having a week or two ago. The packages I've seen for dhcp
> have support for -x either, is this a distro-added option?
> The dhclient script does have the correct magic to push info back to
> dhcp 3.0.3-r5 on gentoo has the dbus lines in your other email included in
> dhclient-script. It was in 3.0.2-something too, I'm not sure why it
wasn't in
> 3.0.3-r4.
> Either way, it's there now.
> NetworkManager 0.5.1 is now functioning correctly. I can see the signal
> in the notification area, ... and I mean, I'm typing this email.
> I assume it would work in 0.5.2 as well, although like I said, I gave
up on that
> temporarily because wpa_supplicant doesn't play nice with one of my cards.
I am the Gentopia maintainer of dhcp/dhcdbd/networkmanager.  The dhcp
issue you had was because Portage doesn't apply the patches for dbus
to dhcp, I have to go through manually and test them myself.  Being a
Gentoo developer, I do have access to Portage via CVS, however
sometimes things go unnoticed.  I try to get dhcp bumped in Gentopia
as soon as I see it is bumped in Portage (or as soon as someone
mentions it to me on IRC (#gentopia on freenode) and with regards to
-r4, I was in the middle of putting it into Gentopia, when someone
mentioned that things weren't working for them and they were using
-r5, so I bumped -r5 instead.

There has been some "funkyness" because we used to patch out the
com.redhat/com/redhat stuff, but no longer.  So if you have anything
that still points to org.gentoo/org/gentoo, it will not work.  I have
tried to make the switch as painless as possible (and tOny, I do
apologize that it has taken so long to do) but it is hard to be 100%
sure.  I will be focusing on getting NM working here as well - I have
been trying out patches that have been sent to me from other Gentoo
users, so please, feel free to email me personally if you have issues
with NM on Gentoo, or if you have a patch, I don't bite :)

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