Re: nm-edit? Static entries?

On Wed, June 21, 2006 8:18 pm, Dan Williams wrote:
> So; I think at the moment, the plan is this [1]:
> >
> [1] some bits are up for debate
I don't know about debate but a thought or two....

You have mentioned worry that some parts of the core code are
starting to experience some bloat eg. the wireless code with all
the WPA.  I wonder more and more if placing a DBUS interface
between the NetworkManager core (the switching magic, routing
code etc.) and all connection types might be an interesting
route forward (long-term)?

More immediately, the static IP config stuff could be
implemented quite trivially as yup ... you've guessed it...
a ~cough~ VPN ~cough~ plugin.  The architecture provides a
neat dbus interface precisely to set 'static' IP4Config,
routing information etc. one some interface. There is a question
of whether a static connection should optionally choose
which interface it should use or whether NM should
choose but otherwise the VPN arch. provides:
    All the necessary DBUS interface and methods
    Configuration architecture (both the Gconf stuff and UI stuff)
    Import / export architecture.
    Removes any potential bloat in the core code.

There is a small amount of boolean architecture needed to assist
NM/applets decide what connections to use or show at any time
but this is very general stuff that is needed for the VPN anyhow.

Recent revelations regarding the use of DBUS_DICT_TYPEs in the
current VPN dbus interface should also remove any worries about
futureproofing such a general purpose dbus interface.

I still think "why write 3 interfaces" when one will do.


PS. In such an architecture, sys admins wishing to limit the
connection types users may use on a machine can do so by simply
deleting/not installing the appropriate plugins.  Such power,
yet no special code needed in the NM core!

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