[PATCH] functionality - novellvpn to connect to Nortel Gateways.


   Attached is the patch to NetworkManger vpn-daemons to enable
novell-vpn clients to be able to connect through Network Manager
interface.  The code is based on openvpn and most of the code will be
similar.  Untar into the directory NetworkManger/vpn-daemons/ Rightnow,
the nm-novellvpn interface allows to connect to Nortel gateways and we
will be delivering patches on top of this for standard gateway types
(Novell Border Manager gateway) in the near future.

To test sanity of the code 

install the following
   * ipsec-tools (plugin enabled)
   * turnpike (vpn tools , vpnc & vpnlogin)
   * nortelplugins (plugins to connect to nortel-gateway)

and detailed information is given in 

you can find the rpms and sources from 

I would appreciate if there are any queries, and Please let me know if
there are any problems.


Attachment: novellvpn.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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