HEAD on ubuntu breezy?

Has anyone gotten head NM to work on ubuntu breezy?  the dhcp client
package claims it has the "redhat patches for dhcdbd", but if i set up
dhcdbd (from http://people.ubuntu.com/~thom/dhcdbd-1.5.tar.gz), it
seems to be passing an argument that dhclient doesn't understand. 
looking at it a little bit more, it seems the "-x" option is not
recognized by dhclient, but removing the -x from the arguments list
(by editing dhcdbd.c) doesn't result in a dhcp lease when dhcdbd
invokes dhclient, either...

Anyone else had better luck?

Also, what is the "preferred" way for having nm-applet run?  It gets
put in libexec, so I assume the user isn't supposed to run it
directly, but I'm not sure what the user IS supposed to run ...


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