Re: DNS Caching and resolv.conf

On Thu, 2005-12-15 at 13:29 -0600, Nathaniel R. Ben-Attar wrote:
> I figured out how to force the authorative servers to NM's bind
> config.  I edited /usr/share/NetworkManager/named.conf and changed the
> line
> forwarders { @@FORWARDERS@@  };
> to
> forwarders { @@FORWARDERS@@;;;
>; };
> I needed to make sure there were two spaces after the @@FORWARDERS@@
> or it failed to pull my dns servers from dhcp.  It would be nice to
> see the addition of a simply dialog into the GUI to add these without
> having to edit configuration files for new users.
> Now I only have one remaining issue and that is how to get NM to pass
> a custom search string to resolv.conf and save me the hassle of typing
> the full domain name for my most commonly used hosts.

Unfortunately I'm not sure that's possible right now.  However, it
should be fairly easy to implement if we can pull that info out of other
system config files.  Where does your distribution store a permanent
search path?

(ie, hopefully it doesn't store it in /etc/resolv.conf since multiple
programs overwrite it...)

Fedora, for example, will store it
in /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/<profile>/resolv.conf.  How about
SUSE/Gentoo/Debian?  We could add retrieval to the system backends and
insert the search before any DCHP-given ones.


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