Re: kde (again)?

On Thursday 15 December 2005 8:12 am, Dan Williams wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-12-15 at 07:32 -0500, Neal Becker wrote:
> > I've been following networkmanager devel enthusiastically for several
> > months.  I haven't been able to use it, because I use kde, and I need to
> > set WEP keys.  I've never seen any guide to how to make this work.  I
> > understand that in the present status somehow gnome's key manager needs
> > to be started - but I don't know how to do this.
> >
> > I think that networkmanager will miss out out >1/2 of the linux audience
> > unless there is some way for kde users to make this work.  Could someone
> > kindly explain the procedure?
> Timo Hoenig said he was writing a KDE applet for NM on Nov 23 (see
> thread about "NetworkManager with KDE").  I'd encourage him to stick it
> in CVS even if it's not complete...
> The WPA changes are likely to break the current applet<->NM dbus
> interface as well, so if it was in CVS then the KDE applet could be
> fixed up along with the Gnome one.

Thanks.  Some responses from the last time I asked this question suggest that 
if I start the appropriate gnome utilities (under kde) that I could start 
using networkmanager now.  Is this true, and does anyone know exactly what I 
need to do in that case?

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