Not seeing wireless network in nm-applet


Installed NetworkManager-0.5.1 from tar archive on on SUSE 10.0 on a Dell laptop. I also installed the required dhcdbd-1.10 package it needs. I then rebooted the laptop. The network manager daemon starts up OK. Here are the messages that it dumps into the syslog:

NetworkManager: <information>   starting...
NetworkManager: <debug info> [1133736101.866182] (): found config /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth-id-00:0f:1f:16:d1:bf for if eth0
NetworkManager: <debug info>    [1133736101.866767]  (): BOOTPROTO=dhcp
NetworkManager: <debug info> [1133736101.867055] (): ------ Config (eth0)
NetworkManager: <debug info>    [1133736101.867297]  (): dhcp=1
NetworkManager: <debug info>    [1133736101.953045]  (): addr=
NetworkManager: <debug info>    [1133736101.953376]  (): gw=
NetworkManager: <debug info>    [1133736101.953699]  (): mask=
NetworkManager: <debug info> [1133736101.953947] (): ---------------------

NetworkManager: <information> eth0: Device is fully-supported using driver 'tg3'. NetworkManager: <information> nm_device_new(): waiting for device's worker thread to start NetworkManager: <information> nm_device_new(): device's worker thread started, continuing.
NetworkManager: <information>   Now managing wired device 'eth0'.
NetworkManager: <information>   Deactivating device eth0.
NetworkManager: <information>   Updating allowed wireless network lists.

I can successfully connect to my home linksys router (WEP or otherwise) using iwconfig and ifconfig manually, so I know the network is OK. For whatever reason, when I click on the network icon that nm-applet puts on the gnone task bar, all it says is Wired Network (greyed out) when I'm just running wirelessly. I have a ifcfg-wlan0 setup in my /etc/sysconfig/network directory with valid values for the wireless connection
to my wireless router.

  Any ideas on what I'm missing?

Wendell MacKenzie

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