[patch] clean up some more localizable strings

The attached patch gets rid of some duplicate string stuff going on, making things feel much cleaner, and makes things better for localizers. Fixes bgo#309012

Index: gnome/applet/applet.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/NetworkManager/gnome/applet/applet.c,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -d -u -p -r1.29 applet.c
--- gnome/applet/applet.c	11 Aug 2005 21:43:38 -0000	1.29
+++ gnome/applet/applet.c	15 Aug 2005 21:47:06 -0000
@@ -476,6 +476,9 @@ static gboolean nmwa_show_vpn_failure_di
 void nmwa_schedule_vpn_failure_dialog (NMWirelessApplet *applet, const char *member, const char *vpn_name, const char *error_msg)
 	DialogCBData *cb_data = NULL;
+	gchar *error_head = NULL;
+	gchar *error_desc = NULL;
+	gchar *error_data = NULL;
 	g_return_if_fail (applet != NULL);
 	g_return_if_fail (member != NULL);
@@ -487,35 +490,45 @@ void nmwa_schedule_vpn_failure_dialog (N
 	if (!strcmp (member, NM_DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_LOGIN_FAILED))
-		cb_data->msg = g_strdup_printf (_("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">VPN Login Failure</span>\n\nCould not start the "
-						"VPN connection '%s' due to a login failure.\n\nThe VPN service said: \"%s\""), vpn_name, error_msg);
+		error_head = g_strdup (_("VPN Login Failure"));
+		error_desc = g_strdup_printf (_("Could not start the VPN connection '%s' due to a login failure."), vpn_name);
 	else if (!strcmp (member, NM_DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_LAUNCH_FAILED))
-		cb_data->msg = g_strdup_printf (_("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">VPN Start Failure</span>\n\nCould not start the "
-						"VPN connection '%s' due to a failure launching the VPN program.\n\nThe VPN service said: \"%s\""), vpn_name, error_msg);
+		error_head = g_strdup (_("VPN Start Failure"));
+		error_desc = g_strdup_printf (_("Could not start the VPN connection '%s' due to a failure launching the VPN program."), vpn_name);
 	else if (!strcmp (member, NM_DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_CONNECT_FAILED))
-		cb_data->msg = g_strdup_printf (_("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">VPN Connect Failure</span>\n\nCould not start the "
-						"VPN connection '%s' due to a connection error.\n\nThe VPN service said: \"%s\""), vpn_name, error_msg);
+		error_head = g_strdup (_("VPN Connect Failure"));
+		error_desc = g_strdup_printf (_("Could not start the VPN connection '%s' due to a connection error."), vpn_name);
 	else if (!strcmp (member, NM_DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_VPN_CONFIG_BAD))
-		cb_data->msg = g_strdup_printf (_("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">VPN Configuration Error</span>\n\nThe "
-						"VPN connection '%s' was not correctly configured.\n\nThe VPN service said: \"%s\""), vpn_name, error_msg);
+		error_head = g_strdup (_("VPN Configuration Error"));
+		error_desc = g_strdup_printf (_("The VPN connection '%s' was not correctly configured."), vpn_name);
 	else if (!strcmp (member, NM_DBUS_VPN_SIGNAL_IP_CONFIG_BAD))
-		cb_data->msg = g_strdup_printf (_("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">VPN Connect Failure</span>\n\nCould not start the "
-						"VPN connection '%s' because the VPN server did not return an adequate network configuration.\n\n"
-						"The VPN service said: \"%s\""), vpn_name, error_msg);
+		error_head = g_strdup (_("VPN Connect Failure"));
+		error_desc = g_strdup_printf (_("Could not start the VPN connection '%s' because the VPN server did not return an adequate network configuration."), vpn_name);
-	if (cb_data->msg)
-		g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) nmwa_show_vpn_failure_dialog, cb_data);
+	{
 		free_dialog_cb_data (cb_data);
+		return;
+	}
+	error_data = g_strdup_printf (_("The VPN service said: \"%s\""), error_msg);
+	cb_data->msg = g_strdup_printf ("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">%s</span>\n\n"
+					"%s\n\n%s", error_head, error_desc, error_data);
+	g_free (error_head);
+	g_free (error_desc);
+	g_free (error_data);
+	g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) nmwa_show_vpn_failure_dialog, cb_data);

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