dhcpcd experiments

I previously reported that the cvs20041208 version of NetworkManager fails to get a DHCPOFFER from my SMC Barricade router/switch/AP. By looking at the source I see that the new built-in dhcp client is a modification of the well-known client dhcpcd. Here are two experiments.

Experiment 1. In the dhcpcd directory of the NetworkManager CVS and did a make which produces dhcp_test.
I ran 'dhcp_test eth1' and got

dhcp_test: dhcp_interface_init: MAC address = 00:0e:35:14:60:d0
dhcp_test: ClassID  = "Linux 2.6.9-1.681_FC3 i686"
ClientID = ""
dhcp_test: Broadcasting DHCP_DISCOVER
dhcp_test: DHCP: Starting request loop
dhcp_test: DHCP: Sending request packet...
dhcp_test: DHCP: Sent request packet.
dhcp_test: DHCP: Waiting for reply...
dhcp_test: DHCP waiting for data, overall timeout = {1102995483s, 905480us}
dhcp_test: DHCP waiting for data, remaining timeout = {4s, 999223us}
dhcp_test: DHCP waiting for data, remaining timeout = {3s, 999737us}
dhcp_test: DHCP waiting for data, remaining timeout = {2s, 999887us}
dhcp_test: DHCP waiting for data, remaining timeout = {2s, 40us}
dhcp_test: DHCP waiting for data, remaining timeout = {1s, 278us}
dhcp_test: DHCP waiting for data, remaining timeout = {0s, 345us}
dhcp_test: DHCP: Sending request packet...
dhcp_test: DHCP: Send timeout

It would appear that the SMC Barricade never responded with a DHCPOFFER.

Experiment 2. In went to http://www.phystech.com/download/ and downloaded the source for the lastest version of dhcpcd, version 1.3.22-pl4. I compiled and then ran 'dhcpcd -d eth1' and instantly got the output.

dhcpcd: MAC address = 00:0e:35:14:60:d0
dhcpcd: your IP address =

Bill Moss
Professor, Mathematical Sciences
Clemson University

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