Re: Nemiver Errors

Venkatram Tummala <venkatram867 gmail com> a écrit:

> Thanks for the reply but the application was compiled with debugging
> symbols. The very same file works fine on gdb & ddd. Only nemiver hits the
> above mentioned errors.

Hmmh. The errors say that there is no debugging information available
for the symbol "main". Maybe I'll need more logs then, to better
understand what is going on.

Could you please run nemiver like the following line and send the
resulting log.txt to the list?

nmv_log_domains="" nemiver <your-program> > log.txt

The log.txt file will likely be useful.

>> Please note that in the coming version of Nemiver you won't have this
>> error because the debugger will automatically show you the disassembly
>> of the code you are debugging. If you are brave enough to understand the
>> assembly, then fine. If not, you'll still have to recompile it in debug
>> mode. The win will be that this error won't show up. If you are in a
>> hurry you can compile this bleeding version of Nemiver today, from our
>> git source code repository[1].
> I dont think this is the problem.

Well, the version in master has seen many bugfixes regarding debug info
handling in general. So testing it can be useful. If it appears that it
fixes your problem, then we wouldn't need to look further.



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