Re: Disassembling support in Nemiver


Following my previous email on this topic, I went to hack on the support 
of mixed asm/source disassembling. Quoting that email, the support was 

> * Supporting mixed asm/source disassembling. This would be pretty cool
>   because it would show directly in the asm view which source code
>   corresponds to which set of asm instructions.
>   - At the moment, the user can only either see the source code, or the
>     pure asm instructions. Not both inter-mixed.

So the asm-support branch[1] now has the initial support of this feature 
as you can see on this humble screenshot:

It's a bit rough because the mixed view doesn't show the actual line of 
source code but rather shows <src file="" line="15/>. So I need 
to write a small codelet that would display the actual line of code 
instead. That should not be too hard now :-)

I have added a "debugger" preferences tab to the preferences dialog to 
choose between the "pure asm" or "mixed source/asm" disassembly style. I 
have also added the option of choosing which GDB binary Nemiver should 
use on the system -- at long last:

So now I guess I need to display the actual source code lines content in
the mixed asm mode and this mixed asm/source disassembling feature will
be done.


[1]: To checkout, build and install the asm-support branch:
git clone git:// nemiver.git
cd nemiver.git
git checkout asm-support
sudo make install


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