Re: Moving Nemiver repository to git

I have never worked on git before and don't know how to use git. But I would love to.
So, I welcome this decision. Git is really worth learning
and time spent in learning (g)it won't go wasted.

Thanks Dodji and Jonner,  for taking the initiative.


On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 4:33 AM, Dodji Seketeli <dodji seketeli org> wrote:

Jonner and I were thinking about moving the Nemiver repository to git.

That would enable us and other developers to work on multiple branches,
way more easily. That would also allow us to have the full history
repository with full history at hand, even when we are not connected to
the interweb.

I understand that for some of you how are not familiar with git, this
will bring new things to learn. But I think that what we can all gain is
 worth the burden of learning a new system.

For translators, the workflow should not be too different from the
current one. There is a documentation that should be of great help at

In any case, I am willing to help people in understanding how git works
etc. So feel free to ask me question on on channels
#gnome-hackers, #c++, #fedora-desktop, or even #gnomefr. Wherever you
can find me basically :)

For now, you can browse the Nemiver git repository from the web at

To clone the git repository, you just have to:

git clone git:// nemiver.git

When it's done, cd into nemiver.git, and there you go.

You have all the Nemiver history since the beginning, locally. Just do
git log, to see all the commits.

So, seriously, if you feel like there are things you don't understand
with git, please please do ask. Mastering this tool is really worth it,
in my opinion.

In any case, I'd be glad to hear what you guys think about this move.
Please, speak up :)

When I am sure the everything is okay, I will ask for the current
Nemiver svn to be set to read-only, unless some of you are really
against it. We will then switch to the new git repo for real.



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