Re: [Nemiver-list] Nemiver and remote application debug using gdbserver

Frank Gerlach a écrit :


    1) I am having issues debugging a remote application(Nemiver and
    gdbserver) that uses dynamically linked libraries. For some reason I
    cannot step into the libraries. It ignores the breakpoints and steps
    out of any library calls. I did setup the shared library path correctly.

Frank Gerlach is right. You need to have both the remote and local libraries compiled with debug info (-g) and with no optimization (-O0) to be able to debug.

    2) Is it possible to send arguments while debugging a remote
    application using Nemiver and gdbserver.

If you do info gdbserver or gdbserver --info, you see in the documentation that one way to launch gdbserver is:
gdbserver [OPTIONS] COMM PROG [ARGS ...]

ARGS being the arguments of the program you want to debug.

For instance, let's say you want to remote debug the gedit program on your host, whose ip address is, on the port 1234 gedit is a text editor for GNOME. To edit a file foo.txt with it, you do: gedit foo.txt.

So, to remote debug that program with gdbserver and nemiver, on your remote host, you have to do:

gdbserver gedit foo.txt

On your local machine, you then have to launch nemiver, go into file -> connect to remote target, enter the IP address and port of the remote gdbserver, tell nemiver where the local binaries running on the remote target are and you should be done.

    3) For some reason I can't save sessions and restore them. I have
    tried both 6.03 and 6.04. Basically my changes don't get saved when
    i say save session.

Does it work for normal debugging sessions for you ? It should. I haven't tested it for remote debugging sessions, but I _think_ it should work.



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