[Nemiver-list] Re: Nemiver 0.3 Roadmap

On 12/17/06, Jonathon Jongsma <jonathon jongsma domain hid> wrote:
Well, since 0.2 is out the door, I thought I'd kick off a bit of
discussion on what features should be prioritized for version 0.3.  So
if there's a particular feature that you can't do without, please
bring it up so that we can work on the things that people want first
(or even better yet, pick up a task yourself and help us get 0.3 out
the door more quickly).
Well, I didn't get any responses on this, so I'll just give a little
recap of where we stand now.  Major new features in the trunk so far
* Open file dialog lets you pick source files extracted from the
target executable
* Find text in source files has been added

There have also been a bunch of other fixes and minor improvements as well.

So, here's another chance to have your favorite feature included in
the 0.3 release.  Don't be shy.  What features do you want
prioritized?  Should I work on implementing disabling/enabling of
breakpoints?  A session management dialog? something else?  Should we
try to get 0.3 out the door as soon as possible, or try to get a few
more big features in?

Feel free to either reply to this message or file a bug if your
favorite feature isn't on our todo list yet:


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