Re: [Nemiver-list] source directories setting support

On 9/28/06, Dodji Seketeli <dodji domain hid> wrote:
I have just commited a changeset allowing the user to set an arbitrary
source directories list.

Woohoo!  At last I can see the breakpoint markers.  Thanks a lot for
that.  Only now I'm thinking "Why can't we just get the full filename
from the source editor?"  We clearly must know the full path in order
to load the file, right? I assume there's a reason that this isn't
feasible, but I was hoping you could just tell me before I go digging
into the code too deeply :)

The user can now launch gconf-editor and edit the key
"/apps/nemiver/dbgperspective/source-search-dir" to set the list of
directories separated by a colon (':').

Do you think this should be a 'global' setting? I.e. if I'm debugging
my agave program in ~/Projects/agave.git/, I'll add a bunch of paths
under this to my source-search-dirs setting.  But when I then debug a
different app in a different location, there's no reason to search in
my agave directory again.  So wouldn't it almost make more sense for
this to be a session-related preference?  Or were you planning for
this to be for "default" search locations, and also save a list of
project-specific search paths in the session db?

By default, that list is set
to the current working directory, '.' . Okay, now we need a GUI to set
preferences in nemiver :-) .

I will definitely work on the UI as soon as I have a good
understanding of exactly how this is going to fit in with everything

I also fixed a couple little issues I had building the new changes.


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