Re: To be able to select files using mouse like in previos nautilus versions.

HI i mean ubuntu 18.04 nautilus version, sorry for not to mention, but let me guess... is hapening in all nautilus versions for the last 2 years at least.

In nautilus now (i think in ubuntu 18.04 is 3.26 installed) you can select two files in the same row... but the "slection square" that was there in nautilus before that you can select som files in multiline is gone.

So if there are lot of files is impossible to choose some of them with the mouse, you enf clicking in one file because there is no empty spaces between files in icon mode.

This is because of the change to make each file a square, so there is no empty space between files (in icon mode view) so is not possible to choose files with mouse.


2018-06-03 10:53 GMT+02:00 Ernestas Kulik <ernestask gnome org>:
On Sun, 2018-06-03 at 10:35 +0200, Just Dust wrote:
> Now, in a folder with files, if try to select some files it jsut
> donesn't work.

If you could clarify what version you refer to as “now”, it would help
everyone involved understand your problem.

> In the past using icon mode view i could click somewhere and select a
> squre with files inside.

Have you enabled experimental views in preferences?

> This change makes impossible to select files with mouse, so the only
> way is use keyboard, I think is a step back.

Which change?

> why i can't select files anymore with my mouse?
> In nautilus in ubuntu 16.04 and before i could select an area and the
> files inside the area can be selected, is very usefull when you don't
> have a keyboard, or you need to do this process fast instead of
> choose files one by one with mouse + keyboard.
> Bests


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