Re: Feature Request - GNOME Windows Buttons

Wonderful!  No more frustration!  This is the best thing!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

David J. Ring, Jr., N1EA  Radio-Officers Group -- Join CW email list -- Historic Morse Recordings 
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On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 6:35 PM, António Fernandes <antoniojpfernandes gmail com> wrote:
Hello, D.J.J.

As was already said, nautilus is not the only application hidding its title bar (and the close button along with it). Actually, nautilus adopted this only six months later than some others.

The main idea is hidding the titlebar, because it wastes space on the screen for no purpose (the name of the folder is already shown inside the window). This had the side effect of losing the close button.

The plan is to place the close button inside the window. Allan's blog post has some example mockups of how this would look like:

So, your concern is likely to be addressed in a future release.

But if you want a solution now, you can get the titlebar and the close button back with this extension:

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