Re: Integration of ultracopier

On Wed, 2012-07-04 at 02:20 +0200, alpha_one_x86 wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for your advised reply. I have do the windows and KDE
> implementation, then the implementation can be resumed by:
> if(file.isLocal() && catchcopy.isConnected())
> {
>    catchcopy.copy(sources,destination);
>    return; //to ignore the copy because it will be done as external
> }
> Splitting the file operation is few hard and slow. Just implement this
> kind of code is easy, transparent, and allow external application to
> be used. Not always have advanced copier running, then the copy should
> be with the default copy dialog when have not application to overwrite
> it. It's why externalization is not a solution, because the default
> code should be acceded.
> Can you add a entry into the wish list and give me the url?

Hi, I don't think adding code into the core of Nautilus to detect if
ultracopier is around is a great solution though (and I don't think
that's something you can do e.g. on Windows). How were you able to do
this kind of integration on other platforms?


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