Re: Nautilus state of mission (was: Re: Reasoning for Removal of Extra Pane Mode?)

On Do, 02.08.2012 19:26, Andreas Nilsson wrote:

>On a final note, I would say there is still room for a advanced, 3rd 
>party, file manager in the Linux space supporting the complex cases of 
>batch renaming,

In fact, a batch file rename can be triggered from within Nautilus
already (if one file is selected, Nautilus performs the rename, if
multiple files are selected, an external tool is invoked with the
URIs). It's not so visible yet, because as far as I know, batch
renamers don't register themsevles within Nautilus yet. I'm working on
one that does [1], but one could easily register Thunar or others for
that task since a few Nautilus releases.

However, Nautilus currently has a bug about rename tool or
Nautilus Script invokation for files with non-US-ASCII names (not due to
my patch, but due to a regression caused by other changes, see [2]), and
I haven't checked Nautilus git repo in a few hours, so that
functionality might be gone by now.



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