Re: Can the Places side panel be told to ignore certain partitions?

On Thu, 2011-02-24 at 21:12 +0000, Sebastian Tennant wrote:
> gvfs seems to perform it's own independent device scan and it shows all
> mountable devices found (identified by their disk label).

Yes, for that, we're using udisks via gnome-disk-utility. Before the
gdu-volume-monitor, we were using hal. The latter has been obsoleted
and should not be used. Can you please check which one is present on
your system? It's a separate process, you should see
gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor running.

> *In addition* to this independent device scan, it also shows devices
> corresponding to fstab entries (identified by their future mount points).

Correct, we use fstab to determine future mount point, which helps to
decide whether to show the entry or not. In gdu-volume-monitor, we match
by device file (including symlink resolve), UUID or LABEL when present.

> This explains why FAT\040storage (or FAT_storage) always appears twice.

Just tested with gdu, it works as expected. The end user representation
is slightly different, so you get something like "250 GB Hard Disk: 7.9
GB Filesystem" instead of "FAT storage".

Tomas Bzatek <tbzatek redhat com>

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