Re: [patch] confirm before sending to trash

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1:20 AM, Stian Skjelstad <stian servoelectronics no> wrote:
> This is a real problem, but I don’t think the solution is a windows-like
> alert dialog.
> Half of this problem is solved by the undo feature which is under
> development. The other half consists in making file deletion more
> noticeable. An animation with the file becoming red and/or flying to the
> trash would be a nice addition.

What if deleted files were visible as some ghost-like-icon in the directory they used to be? And it could be possible to turn on/off the visibility of deleted files? And you can have your animation then as well; of an icon that dies.

While I like this idea in a way, I think often deleting files is associated with 'cleaning up' a directory, and having ghost icons there may just encourage users to immediately empty the trash, which could cause more problems than it solves (not being able to recover deleted files, etc).
Stian Skjelstad


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