Re: Display Notes content in bubble when mouse is hover the name.

Nandox7 wrote:

Alexander Larsson wrote:
Pop up previews are imho a bad idea. They keep being unexpectedly
triggered when you're just leaving the mouse somewhere, covering the
things you wish to see. The long term plans we have for nautilus wrt
better previews etc is rather to have a separate pane for that. This has
been discussed previously on this list, with example screenshots etc.

How will that work within the desktop area? By default there is no pane open

I supposed a similar behaviour as seen in windows would be great, if the
pointer is left for a determined amount of time over an icon it displays
some details. Is something really handy specially for checking the size.

If checking the size is the main thing, there's already an option: set the first icon caption to "size" within the Display tab of the File Management prefs dialog. By default, it's empty, but setting it will show the file/folder size in the default magnification for the desktop and windows displaying in icon view.

- John

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