Re: Threading in nautilus-pytohn extensions

Alexander Larsson wrote:
> This is likely related to the python global interpreter lock or some
> other python threading specific issue.

That's really what my question is: why would it be related to the GIL?
How does Nautilus interact with the Python GIL? What does Nautilus do to
make threading in python have issues?

> I think you would get a better
> response to your question on a more python oriented mailing list.

The trouble is, there is no specific python-nautilus list. There's not
much in the way of documentation for the interactions between the two
(especially re. threading) and and there's not really anything I can
deduce from looking at the python side of things. It seems like the
answer involves the mechanics of Nautilus, and this is the list for
people who know about that.

If you can suggest somewhere else to try, I'll gladly ask there, but I'm
out of avenues as far as I can tell.


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