Re: tabs, Desktop & emblems

Am Sonntag, den 25.01.2009, 22:14 +0200 schrieb Tomas Rimkus:
> > > Also I wonder if any nautilus developer ever visits nautilus bug
> > > tracker. Guess not.
> > Wrong guess.
> If you do visit the bug tracker then why does it take half a year (or
> even more) to get ANY reply?

Because most people are volunteers, because manpower is limited, because
developers also work on other modules.
And because you haven't signed a support contract to me in order to
receive feedback to your bug reports within 48 hours. ;-))

> Why nobody cares to review the 
> patches that are submitted in bug tracker? 

Yes, that's indeed a problem. Please bring up patches to this list (link
to bugzilla ID) and ask for review.

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