Re: tabs, Desktop & emblems

Am Samstag, den 24.01.2009, 20:00 +0200 schrieb Tomas R:
> It seems nautilus is in somewhat that can be considered "maintenance
> mode" - some bugs are still being corrected, but new features are added
> once in 3 years and nobody even cares to implement them fully. 
> Also I wonder if any nautilus developer ever visits nautilus bug
> tracker. Guess not.

Wrong guess.

> Anyway:
> 1) Available in both konqueror and dolphin;
> 2) Available in pcman file manager;
> 3) Available in KDE4.

so what?
If there's no progress in the bug reports, there's no progress.
Yes, it's that easy, and there's simply no unlimited manpower.

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