
I attach a screenshot of a directory as it appears following my recent
upgrade to 8.04 Hardy Heron.

If you look at the Legacy directory, there are three files:
LONDON.02	this is a text file
LONDON_02.gdt 	this is a binary file
LONDON_02.web 	this is a text file

All of these files were produced by my own programs on a Windows system.

The icon chosen for the first file is fine.

The icon chosen for the next two is not fine, for neither of the files
is an executable.

Is there a way that I can globally change the icons of files with
extensions .gdt and .web ?

In the previous Ubuntu versions these files were generally either bland
or looked like text files.

I have seen some of the posts on file naming and I agree that this is a
difficult topic.  But I really do think that giving 'strange' files an
executable icon is not a good solution.

Many thanks for Nautilus - it is usually great to work with!

Many thanks in advance for any help you can give me on the file icon

With Best Wishes

Geoff Kaniuk geoff kaniuk yahoo co uk

01223 710 582

33 Ashbury Close, Cambridge CB1 3RW

Attachment: Screenshot-geoff - File Browser.png
Description: PNG image

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