updated_deep_count_in_progress can not get file size

Hi,all. I was trying to use updated_deep_count_in_progress signal to asynchronously get disk space used by a directory.  I refered to fm-properties-window.c. But there seems a bug in it. I found that if a big directory is being updated by updated_deep_count_in_progress  signal, any other request to nautilus_file_get_deep_counts function will return file size with 0.
One can confirm it by:1) Choose "Properties" menuitem after right clicked one big directory like /usr in nautilus 2) While the "Contents" label in the properties window was updating, do step 1) to another big direcotry like /var 3) You would see the "Contents" label of /var to be "...", not a valid value. That means the nautilus_file_get_deep_counts in updated_deep_count_in_progress signal handler was not working properly.(To be sure that you had not done 1) to /var before, otherwise nautilus_file_get_deep_counts would return a previous valid value, and the fm-properties-window.c is designed not to show updating value in that case)
What is eating me is that I want to know whether there is a way to avoid that, or that is really a bug now. Best regards!


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